The Doctors
Dr Martin Dominic Mitchell (male)
MBChB DCH MRCGP 1988 Birmingham
Dr Jason English (male)
MBChB MRCGP 1992 Leicester
Dr Leanne Phyllis Watson (female)
MBChB 2002 MRCGP 2006 Leicester
Dr Alex Joseph Flynn (male)
MD 2007 St Matthews University, Grand Cayman, MRCGP 2016
(The Practice also employs 4 Salaried GPs)
Practice Nurses
Bev Groom RGN (Advanced Nurse Practitioner)
Deborah Graham RGN (Advanced Nurse Practitioner)
Alison Miles RGN
Janet Meads RGN
Sally Williams RGN
Julie Marchant RGN
Joanne Clark RGN
Jane Sim RGN
Jenny Williamson RGN Nurse Practitioner
Cheryl Farden Nurse Associate
Kirsty Crawford HCA
Jackie Hodder HCA
The practice employs a team of ten highly skilled nurses trained in the monitoring and treatment of chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure etc. HRT, contraception, ECGs and spirometry are also available. They are also trained in the assessment and management of minor illnesses. Practice nurses working in the treatment room will renew dressings, remove sutures, give advice on ear-care, carry out travel vaccinations and advice, give routine health checks and smear tests. Routine and urgent appointments to see the nurses may be made with our receptionists.
Administrative Staff
Miss Michelle Carroll is the Practice Manager and she is able to help you with any administrative or non-medical aspects of your treatment. She is also available to discuss any suggestions and is happy to talk to you about any worries or complaints within the practice. An appointment can be made via the receptionist.
Our team of administrative staff are fully trained and do a very professional job. They are there to help you, and in doing so may need to ask for more details. All information is regarded as confidential as all staff are bound by the same codes of conduct as the doctors. A member of the reception team is available to talk to you between 8.00am and 6.30pm every weekday
Health Visitors
Our health visiting team can counsel and advise on all aspects of health care to all age groups, but particularly to families with young children. Please speak to any member of the team regarding immunisation of children. They can be contacted by telephoning 0300 1111022 Option 4.
District Nurses
The district nursing service provides skilled nursing care, seven days a week, to housebound patients. The nurses will assess your needs, agree a plan of care and advise and support you. Referral to appropriate agencies and services will be made, dependent on your needs, together with any medical equipment required.
The nursing sisters are able to prescribe items required for your nursing treatment.
Community Midwife
0300 0272255 between :
- 09.00am and 12.00pm Monday to Friday
- 09.00am and 10.00am Saturday to Sunday
Care in pregnancy is provided by the practice in conjunction with the hospital and community midwife. In nearly all cases most of your antenatal care will be carried out in the practice by the doctors and midwife. Please always bring a urine sample in a clean bottle to your antenatal check.
The community midwives can help with all aspects of pregnancy and the postnatal period. Messages can be left either by ringing Isebrook Hospital between 9.15 and 10.00am or the labour-ward of Kettering Maternity Unit.
Dedicated Learning Time
We have dedicated time set aside to conduct additional training for doctors and all practice staff. This happens in all practices throughout Northampton and many others around the country. Spinney Brook Medical Centre training sessions are held on specific Wednesdays (details can be found on the opening times page). On these afternoons the Medical Centre will be closed from 12.30pm. If you need urgent medical attention during this time you should dial 111 to speak to the NHS 111 service. If you have a life-threatening emergency you should of course dial 999.
General Practitioner Training
Our practice is a training practice for new General Practitioners. The trainer in the practice is Dr English.
GP registrars are fully qualified doctors who have decided to specalise in general practice and will eventually become GP's. Training take three years, the registrar will spend time in different surgeries and hospital departments during this time to get a well rounded education.
Video recordings of consultations are often used for training purposes and therefore you may be asked if you are willing to have your consultation videoed. You will be asked at the time you book your appointment if you consent to this. The training doctor and registrar are the only people to use the recording - it is then erased.
There are occasions when medical students or registrars may need to sit in with one of the partners during their surgery. You will always be informed and have the right to decline if preferred. We enjoy having these doctors with us - please consult with them as any other doctor in the practice.