Home visits are made at the discretion of the doctor and/or one of our Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP). Please do not ask the doctor to visit unless the patient is genuinely too ill to attend the surgery. Call 01933 650 593 before 10.30am to request a home visit on that day. The receptionist will ask for full patient details, telephone number and the reason for the visit. This information enables the doctors to plan their surgery and allows urgent visits to be dealt with as soon as possible.
The doctor/ANP may telephone the patient to obtain more information and may ask the patient to come to the surgery. A request for a home visit does not necessarily mean that the doctor will visit. It is the doctor/ANP who decides what course of action is the most appropriate. It may be that the doctors/ANP feels it would be appropriate for you to come to the surgery
Instead of visiting themselves the doctor/ANP may ask a paramedic that works for the surgery to visit. The paramedic will speak to the doctor about the patient for example, review a wound, or record a blood pressure to allow the doctor to make an informed plan.