The easiest way to order repeat medication is via the NHS APP (if you are on a mobile) or NHS Online Log-in (if using a computer or laptop). Please go to your app store to download it and follow the instructions.
What is a repeat medication?
Repeat medication is something that the doctor feels you need to take regularly for a period of time. Patients on long-term medication may request repeat prescriptions. Only the doctor will decide which medication should be repeated.
A repeat medication can be requested 24 hours a day through the NHS APP (if you are on a mobile) or NHS Online Log-in (if using a computer or laptop)
A repeat prescription can also be requested by returning the most recent computerised list to us and tick only the medication you require for that month. The list can either be put in the box in the hallway or, if we are closed, posted in the letterbox to the left of the front doors. If you do not have a computerised list please ask the receptionist who will be able to print one for you. If you prefer to post your prescription and would like it posted back we ask you to enclose an SAE.
Please allow us three working days to process your prescription (we do not work Saturdays, Sundays or bank holidays). Please collect your prescription after 2.00pm from Irthlingborough Medical Centre and after 11.00am from Woodford Medical Centre.
When your medication requires review you may be advised to make an appointment with the doctor or practice nurse.
Due to continual review of patient medication, taking into account recommended doses, safety guidelines, changing prices, interaction between drugs, you may find your usual medication has been changed to an equivalent alternative - you will always receive a written notification. If you have any concerns, please speak to your usual doctor.